Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Slowly but surely...

The house is officially ours!  And we've been non-stop ever since.  And when I say non-stop?  I mean it!  Every.single.night.  I love all the progress we have already made into making the house our home...but I'm going to complain a little bit.  This is exhausting!  My eyes burn when I close them for more than two seconds which makes me not want to open them back up.  I couldn't even put my contacts in this morning!  It was a "glasses, hair in a bun, no make-up" kind of day, which seems more and more frequent as the school year progresses.

But today...I lost it - all of my motivation went out the window.  I had full intentions to do a lot tonight.  That quickly changed because of my Keurig.  See, I have a minor obsession with coffee that has slowly developed over the past year...year and a half.  Every day after work, I have a cup of coffee, catch up on all my favorited tabs on the web, and then do some work.  But today...the move threw a kink in my plans.  My Keurig is at the new house.  All of my coffee mugs and Keurig cups are at the apartment.  I quickly ran to Dunks and got my fix, but it was too late.  My plan to finish packing up the kitchen, fold laundry, clean the bathroom, etc. - gone.  I'm tired - even with the coffee!  So instead?  I came home, sat in bed, and watched re-runs of Friends.

And I'm OK with that.  Everything that needs to get done will get done.  Sometimes I just need to take a breather and often times I forget to do so.

So tonight I'm slowing down.  Relaxing.  Doing nothing.

Tomorrow?  I'm moving over all of my mugs and K-cups to the new house.

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